
Eco Warriors Sludge Viper


I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what this guy does. He’s a “Hazardous Waste Viper” and had a Plasmatox cannon / water squirter, but how is that any different than the Toxo-Viper v2? In the DiC cartoon, they were Cesspool’s troops, while the Toxo-Vipers worked for Cobra, but I don’t view Cesspool as his own faction.

I had similar problems figuring out a recipe for this guy. I started with an Elite-Viper with Scrap-Iron legs and a yellow AVAC helmet, then a Hazard Viper with a Cobra Trooper vest. I thought of copying Bad Sociologists’ Airtight with trooper legs, then I thought of the Star-Viper, and it came together.

I also thought he’d work as a drone operator/toxic combat engineer

Original: Sludge-Viper

Head: Star-Viper
Torso: Star-Viper
Arms: Techno-Viper
Legs: Scrap Iron
Gear: Crimson Horseman vest, Firefly drone

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